Friday, 16 January 2015

Roadtrip Perth to Darwin - Part 4

Day 9

The next day we got up really early and we left Karijini. We drove pretty much all day and finally we got to Pardoo Station. It was also the day that the original group was splitting so half of the group finished the adventure there and the other half still had some days to go. It was so sad to say goodbye to them. For me it was hard to say bye to Petra because although I just met her for one week, we spent actually one full week together, doing everything together and we got along as if we had known each other for a long time.

But this is what happens when you travel… You meet lots of people and all of a sudden your best friends are pretty much everywhere around the world.

Pardoo Station

On the way to Pardoo Station, there is something that need to be pointed out: Ben and his square wombat poo made with sticky dates and almond rolls. Suddenly, Ben was not sitting on the spot he was usually sitting on the bus and I saw him at the back with a smile on his face. I was like: ‘what the hell is he doing?’ and I finally saw it... Wombat poo haha.

Before arriving to Pardoo Station we stopped at a hill in the middle of nowhere. This hill was our guide's hill and we just went up there to check out the desert and our surroundings: more desert.

When we got to Pardoo Station there was a wedding set up but it was not a normal wedding. Fancy tables and Australian big guys with motorbikes, beards, heaps of tattoos and sunnies ruled the garden. Not to mention the similarities between all of them… Impossible to recognise who was the husband, the brother, or whatever, they all looked the same haha.

We went for a walk around the station and we soon started to prepare dinner because the next day was a driving day again. For the next jumping pictures I will just say: Anusha please!

Anusha getting there.

Good job Anusha!

Day 10, 11 and 12

Broome is quite far from Pardoo Station but we made it after a super tiring day driving. We made some stops on the way but nothing too special.

80 mile beach

We stopped at 80 mile beach but it is not a beach for swimming. It's actually really bad because there are a lot of stone fishes and it is a really common are for fishing so big sharks and other animals are around. Since we couldn't swim, I decided to draw something with stones, walk for a bit and the we started driving again towards Broome.


In Broome, we went to see the sunset after having a swim in the warmest pool I have ever swam and then we had a fun night saying bye to some of the guys that were finishing the trip in Broome. Good fun playing ‘never have I ever…’, some cocktails and lots of laughs.

The next day we went kayaking and it was really nice. However, the water was way too warm to get rid of the feeling of being so hot. We went to red sand beach and we played with some crabs making them to do races out of the drawn circle. Mine was second haha. Apparently, the behaviour of the crab you choose is going to reflect your personality. We laughed heaps when we saw Ben’s crab stuck on a sand hole falling and falling again haha.

In Broome we saw really beautiful sunsets. At Cable Beach, sunset was really pretty and we also found a group of guys playing with a slack-line. I couldn't resist so I played with them for a while :) we also had to say goodbye again to some more people.

The beach next to Cable beach is where they do the camel rides. We did not book a camel ride so, the next day we went to have a picnic there instead.  We did a free camel ride with the best camels ever and took good pics to say goodbye to our last day in Broome. We also went to Matso's for a beer. It is a really popular place for its beers and we tried different types of beer and cider. Cilli beer was the star of the night when Ben decided to skull it... Hilarious. 

In Broome, Angela, Ben and I arrived to conclusion: Broome is a fish tank and if you don't believe it ask Ben... He got lost and walked in circles for a long time under the humid heat of Broome. The problem is that even if you feel so hot you can't really go and swim in the ocean because of the stingers, crocodiles and other animals that are waiting there to kill you. Even the swimming pools are warm but of course you spend as much time as you can in the water haha

Anyway, some nice days in Broome and a new journey with some new people was waiting for us.

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