Sunday, 28 September 2014

Surf spots - Part 5

Snapper Rocks

I love this place. Maybe one day will be my home :)

Aquestes últimes dues setmanes a Austràlia han sigut les més intenses que he tingut des de que vaig arribar. Primer per tota la feina de la uni, les pràctiques i el restaurant i llavors per totes les emocions que es barregen quan has de marxar d'un lloc que consideres "home". Snapper sempre és una bona opció si vols estar una estona a l'aigua perquè potser si que hi ha gent, però també ho tinc al costat de casa i hi ha onades. 

L'estiu es torna a acostar a Austràlia i la sensació de fer surf sense neoprè és quelcom increïble. 

Snapper with Lina

I will miss the surf sessions in the morning with this beautiful girl. It was good fun the attempts to catch the same wave while trying to fit both of us in the GoPro frame haha. Thanks Lina for a nice morning!

Una abraçada!

SUP Currumbin Creek

That’s for Caroline.

I travelled on my own to Australia and, although it was something that I had dreamt of for a really long time, you can’t really help it when you feel that you are alone in a big unknown place. I started uni and Caroline was the first girl I met there. It was funny when we were both speaking in English and all of a sudden I said: “you’re from Uruguay so you must speak Spanish” and we both laughed. It was weird to speak Spanish again with someone haha.

It was so good to meet her the first weeks and it took us less than a second to become good friends. When you travel on your own, you meet people that become your friends, your family and ultimately, they become a crucial piece of your own person. Caroline is one of those people and one of the reasons why I am sad right now. I really do not want to leave Australia, and I really do not want to be so far from her.

In order to spend a good last week together, we decided to go Stand Up Paddle board because any of us had done it before and because we had been saying it for a long time. So here we go, to the Currumbin Creek after an awesome morning surfing in Fingal.

We arrived at the shop, we rented the SUPs and we walked to the creek. It was good fun to see our skills to turn when we got in the water haha it took us a bit to realise that, even though the river was quite wide, there was no need to use it all to make a turn haha. We became professionals after a couple of minutes and we decided that we did not have enough with just paddling. I needed something else and we started with the handstand’s challenge.

It was not easy to do and we changed to headstands after a while. Caroline was pretty chilled on the board and this could not last for the whole SUP adventure so I just pushed her in the water with me. Actually, I have tried to make her an hyperactive girl since I met her but the long walks to Rainbow and my tendency to get up at 5am to go surfing did not make her change her mind haha. She revenged afterwards and while we were trying to put a foot on each board and paddle, she bailed me, the boards fell apart and I went to the water again haha. My legs are still sore of trying to keep the boards together without Caroline’s help :P

The headstands ended up with laughs and getting wet every now and on. Caroline did the best attempt and scream ever and fell before she could reach half of what could have been an epic handstand haha. Clumsiness included whilst trying to put the GoPro on the bridge, when having a go to a double SUP and turning fast to dodge or follow each other, the SUP morning could not have been any better.

Thanks Caroline for being a good friend and for becoming one of the most important persons in my life. This is what I wrote for you on the postcard and I am going to write it here again.

I will miss all the moments we have had together, all the laughs, all the dinners and all the nice walks on the beach. The surf sessions with you (when it is summer and you don’t need a wetsuit), the talks about life, about friends, the gossipier ones and the deeper ones. I will miss having you around, I will miss your company, I will miss the rides on your scooter and how we struggle to get to the top of the hill; and yes, I will miss going out sometimes with you haha. I will miss spending time with you, I will miss the turtles, the dolphins, the nights in surfers, the nights in Cooly, the sunsets in Greenmount, the afternoons in my veranda. I will miss surfing while you get tanned (or red) on the beach and I will mainly miss all the moments I have had with you.

The most beautiful things in the world can't be seen or touched. And here it is when friendship appears to be the nicest thing in the world. You can’t touch it, you can’t physically see it and you don’t learn about it. You just feel it, you just know it is there and it is something that you want to keep forever. If you haven’t learned the meaning of friendship throughout your life you haven’t really learned anything at all.

I am so happy to have had the chance to meet you, to be your friend and to be part of your life whilst you have been part of mine too. I don’t want to say bye so I will just say “see you soon” wherever! You know you have a home anywhere I am.

Thank you beautiful girl for crossing my path.

I love you so much and I will miss you more!